EQ 4 Leadership

EQ 4 Leadership

Grade 1 - 3

Emotional intelligence basically refers to the ability to recognize, monitor, reason about, understand and use emotions to guide appropriate actions, cultivate positive thinking, promote growth and resolve challenges. Being a good leader requires a person to be good at building relationships with others, being able to motivate others and being able to lead by the example of not allowing emotions of challenging circumstances to dictate behavior or choices.  
In this workshop we will specifically cover the following:
  • The role of EQ in leadership;
  • Managing and regulating overwhelming emotions
  • EQ and its role in self-esteem;
  • Everyone can be a leader;
  • Emotions can drive behaviour

Grade 4 - 7

Emotional intelligence basically refers to the ability to recognize, monitor, reason about, understand and use emotions to guide appropriate actions, cultivate positive thinking, promote growth and resolve challenges. Being a good leader requires a person to be good at building relationships with others, being able to motivate others and being able to lead by the example of not allowing emotions of challenging circumstances to dictate behavior or choices.   
In this workshop we will specifically cover the following: 

  • The role of EQ in leadership; 
  • Self-motivation and positive self-talk; 
  • Self-esteem and personal growth; 
  • Lead where you are; 
  • Detailed EQ concepts in leadership.  
The EQ expert Daniel Goleman in a study found that the many leaders who stood out amongst the rest had high EQ’s. Their successes could be directly linked to just as much their EQ skills and others social skills such as networking, collaboration and the ability to not react impulsively toward emotions as their intelligence. A Gallup Organisation study of 2 million employees at 700 different companies found that employees who had managers with a high EQ were four times less likely to leave the company.

Grade 8 - 9

Some of the topics that will be covered in this workshop includes:
  • Increasing your EQ for leadership;
  • The voice of a leader;
  • Values & Expectations;
  • Brain Gym;
Some of the most important leadership qualities which you as a parent can model to your kids include:
  1. Failing without causing collateral damage
    Failing is one of the things which each person must be able to endure on the way to success. Failing can create incredible learning opportunities as long as it doesn’t cause you to lose your determination. Your child will probably fail in some of their attempts as well before achieving their desired result. Encourage them to learn from these mistakes and to keep on trying. Be a role model when it comes to perseverance and be the proof that it is possible to recollect yourself after you stumble and fall.

  2. Admit when you are wrong
    Admitting that you are wrong might be harder than you think. However, admitting that you were wrong can have great benefits and can also allow your child to learn important lessons related to humility, humanity and responsibility. Besides, they probably know when you are in the wrong anyway. Don’t forget the necessary apology which goes along with admitting that you were wrong. 

  3. To be liked or respected
    At some stage in your parenting endeavours you will have to make a choice between being respected and being liked. It is easy to be the nice guy, it is much harder to earn respect. Great leaders are not always liked but are respected. Gaining your child’s respect can assist in creating a home-environment in which they feel safe and secure. Earning respect might include having to set more boundaries than it would if you were only aiming to be liked. Chances are much higher for you to be trusted and viewed as a reliable authority when you aim to seek respect rather than being liked.

  4. Encourage the expansion of knowledge and creativity
    Kids sometimes have the ability to ask important questions and try and discover new concepts at exactly the moment where you are trying to focus or concentrating on completed various other tasks. It is however important to create time to indulge their questions and motivate them to be creative. This is an important way through which kids learn and allows you as a parent the opportunity to connect with them, nurture curiosity and contribute to the expansion of their knowledge.

  5. Develop Emotional Intelligence
    In certain situations our children will learn more from what we do than what we say. Display the skill of emotional intelligence in your own personal life and motivate your child to make use of this skill in their own life as well. One of the greatest leadership attributes is emotional intelligence. The wonderful thing about EQ is that it can help you in any situation in life and plays one of the biggest roles in being successful. 

"Behind every child who believes in himself
is a parent who believed  first."

- Matthew L Jacobson
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